Articles by HRF

Alex’s story: Resilience, determination and the importance of YourCrew

Alex Riedel shares her personal journey following Harrison's tragic passing, conveying her emotions and experiences with raw honesty. Her story is a testament to the strength and resilience of a young woman who has found the courage to advocate for others.

Money and mental health matters

Did you know the way you manage your money has a direct link to your mental health? “People experiencing financial challenges are at least twice as likely to encounter mental health issues than those who aren’t.”

2024 Harrison Riedel Foundation Sydney Gala Dinner

Wow, what an incredible night! We are still buzzing from the 2024 Harrison Riedel Foundation Sydney Gala Dinner held in March.

Understanding resilience

We all know the saying, “Life is tough, but so are you,” but why do some of us thrive when dealing with challenging times and others crumble? The stronger our resilience, the more likely we are to succeed in difficult times and maintain a positive mindset.

Self-care tips to live by and why taking care of yourself is important

While the term ‘self-care‘ is not new, it has been spreading rapidly throughout society in recent years. But what does self-care actually mean and why is it important for our mental health?

The link between experiencing pain and happiness

Is it possible that experiencing pain is not always a bad thing? Research psychologist Brock Bastian argues that our efforts to seek out only the positive experiences in life weaken our ability to cope with life’s inevitable difficulties. 

Is social media harming our mental health?

Social media is an excellent digital communication tool, fostering new connections, strengthening relationships, and providing access to global brands and online social support. However, its vastness and constant evolution can also lead to detrimental effects. How can we recognise the good habits from the bad?

It’s time to get loud and make noise for youth mental health!

The Make Noise Your Way challenge invites communities, especially young people, across Australia to make noise in their own way for youth mental health. By making as much noise as possible, we can help to reduce anxiety and self-harm and keep our young people safe.

Understanding their world: Empowering young people to open up about their mental health

Asking for help no matter how big or small the issue might be, is a hard thing to do. As children transition to adolescence to adulthood, recognising and identifying that support is needed can be even harder. So how can we better understand their world and lay the foundations so when they need to ask for help they know that support is at hand?

Tackling the fears and anxieties that stop people asking ‘Are you okay?’

Asking a friend or family member ‘Are you okay?’ can be difficult. We are often fearful of the response, fearful of our inexperience in understanding complex mental health issues and fearful of overstepping or upsetting our loved ones. But a conversation at the right time could save a life.

Why healthy friendships are important for mental health

Friends enrich our lives on every level and are involved in some of our biggest life milestones. Friends are supposed to be good for us, but it’s important to accept that not all friendships are equal. So how can we tell who our true friends are and who will be there for us when we need help?

The 5 surprising benefits of helping others teens need to know

Adolescence is a tricky time to navigate. One of the most challenging parts is enhancing the ability to focus less on ourselves and more on helping others around us. But what if we told you the act of supporting another can be vital for improving happiness, health and sense of wellbeing?

THIS is how to keep your teenager safe.

Adolescence is an exciting, integral part of life. It’s a time where we develop our sense of self and identity. But the throes of puberty can shake a whole family, not just the teen in question. So, how do you keep your teenage child safe, even when they don't want your help?

Using YourCrew to manage your mental health

With depression and anxiety on the rise in Australia, it’s important we prioritise our mental health and invest the time and energy into keeping ourselves well. YourCrew was designed to keep us safe by connecting us closely with our trusted support networks and providing the tools to strengthen and develop healthy friendships.

How to talk to your teenager about mental health during lockdown

Over the past two years in Australia, we've seen many statistics emerge about the pandemic's impact on mental health. Lifeline, Beyond Blue and Kid's Helpline all reported increases in their services being accessed.